Workshop Meeting of Supervisors of the Central Charlotte County Drainage District

The Workshop Meeting of Supervisors of The Central Charlotte County Drainage District was held on Thursday, January 24, 2019, at the Charlotte County Public Works Building, 7000 Florida Street, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950. Mr. Robert 11Bucky11 McQueen, President of the District, called the Meeting to order at 2:00 o’clock p.m. It was determined that all of the Supervisors were present as follows: David Anthony, Carol M. Nevling, and Robert “Bucky” McQueen. Also present at the meeting were Judy Uhland, Secretary/Treasurer, and Edward L. Wotitzky, Esq., attorney for the District, and land owners, David Bogle and Gerard Lafosse-Marin.

Due and proper Notice of the Meeting was established. Attached to these Minutes is the Publisher’s Affidavit of Publication of the Notice of the Meeting, verifying the Notice was published on January 4 and January 11, 2019.

The attorney for the District suggested that the Agenda be revised to include the consideration and action on maintenance projects be considered after the other Agenda items. The financial condition of the Association was then reviewed. Attached to these Minutes is a summary balance sheet and income statement from October 1, 2018 through January 23, 2019. The financial statements were reviewed by Judy Uhland. Ms. Uhland noted collections of the District assessments through the Tax Collector’s office are proceeding, and the accounts receivable total only $6,875.00. Ms. Uhland recommended that the reserves or funds of the District not be allowed to drop below $20,000.00 to take care of emergency matters.

The Supervisors then considered the ratification of the Contract with CeJay Associates, LLC to create a new website for the District. The attorney noted the upgrade was necessary to comply with ADA requirements concerning access by persons with disabilities. He advised the proposal had been entered, and the work had been accomplished for the Contract price of $2,200.00. Attached to these Minutes is a copy of the proposal. Mr. McQueen inquired about the annual fee for website maintenance which was set at approximately $140.00 per year. After further discussion, and on Motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, it was

RESOLVED that the Contract with CeJay Associates, LLC be approved and ratified.

The next item for consideration was the Contract with Lake Doctors which was entered for the purpose of maintaining the ditches located in the District. The existing Contract includes services for bi-annual inspections and treatments as necessary for the control and prevention of emergent vegetation in the ditches. The ditches included in the current Contract include the ditch behind the trailer park, the ditch on Pelican Avenue adjacent to the airport, the north part of the Grove ditch and the south part of the Grove ditch.

Mr. David Anthony indicated he has had a number of conversations with Mr. Matt Lewis, the Regional Manager for Lake Doctors, Inc., concerning the expansion of the Contract to include additional ditches which have been cleaned. Mr. Anthony contacted Mr. Lewis at the Meeting and will meet with him further in connection with confirming costs for the continued maintenance of the ditches.
Ms. Uhland indicated that Lake Doctors, Inc., had presented a proposal to increase the scope of their services which would increase the bi-annual fee from $2,205.00 to $3,450.00. The said bi-annual fee may be adjusted; however, the Supervisors considered it important to authorize the entry of a Contract for the maintenance prior to the Annual Meeting. The amount budgeted for the said work was previously set at $4.410.00. The Supervisors further discussed this matter and, on motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried it was
RESOLVED to increase the line item for lake maintenance to $6,900.00, and to authorize the President of the District to enter an additional Contract with the Lake Doctors to maintain the additional ditches.

The Supervisors then considered other actions concerning maintenance projects and clearing of the Bravo and Charlie ditches. Mr. Anthony noted the primary concern or difficulty with respect to the Alpha ditch involved non-vegetation matter which had been deposited in the ditch over the years. Mr. Wotitzky then explained concerns regarding access to the ditches, noting the District did have the power to issue bonds for the purpose of borrowing money and eminent domain rights for obtaining access. He noted that both of those actions would be extremely costly. The matter was tabled for further discussion at the Annual Meeting.

The President then asked if any of the Supervisors or Land Owners who were present had other business to be brought before the Supervisors. Mr. David Bogle gave a brief presentation concerning some of his concerns regarding the maintenance of the ditches. He noted he had been mowing some of the roads and common areas. He indicated, however, a property owner had constructed a fence which essentially blocked access to a portion of the Alpha ditch. A great deal of discussion then ensued concerning limitations of the District and enforcing access and other avenues which may be taken regarding movement of the fence which apparently encroaches into the easement for the ditch which has been established by prescription.

The Supervisors then considered the scheduling of the Annual Meeting of Land Owners and Supervisors. After discussion, it was determined the Annual Meeting would be held on Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 2:00 o’clock p.m. The Meeting will be held at the Charlotte County Public Works Conference Room.

There being no further business before the Supervisors, the meeting was, on motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, adjourned.

Respectfully submitted: Judy Uhland, Secretary
Approved: Robert “Bucky” McQueen, President