The workshop meeting of supervisors of the Central Charlotte County Drainage District was held on Thursday, December 7, 2023. The meeting was held at the Charlotte County Pulic Works building conference room, 7000 Forida Street, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950.
The meeting was called to order at 2:00pm by Mr. Vincent Boccio, president of the District. A quorum of supervisors were present as follows: David Anthony and Vincent Boccio. Also present at the meeting were Judy Uhland, secretary/tresurer (via telephone), and Edward L. Wotitzky, Esq., attorney for the District.
Due and proper notice of the meeting was established. Attached to these Minutes is a copy of the Notice of Meeting and the Publisher’s Affidavit of Publication confirming that the Notice was published in the Charlotte Sun Newspaper on November 17 and November 24, 2023.
The supervisors first reviewed the status of work being performed by Lake Doctors pursuant to its contract with the District. Mr. Boccio and Ms. Uhland advised that there had been some issues with respect to the work; however, all issues have been resolved, and the work is being performed in accordance with the contractual undertaking.
The financial statements of the Association were then reviewed. The supervisors confirmed receipt of the finanncial statements under cover of Ms. Uhland’s email of December 4, 2023. As noted, the balance in account as of December 4, 2023 was $43,122.00. Attached to these Minutes is a copy of the referenced email together with the account statement and financial statements.
Maintenance issues and matters were then reviewed by the supervisors. A discussion ensued regarding the ditches which are being maintained by the District. It was also noted that concerns regarding the maintenance of a ditch which was to have been previously maintained by Charlotte Ranchettes MSBU is problematic. The supervisors noted that various culverts may need to be maintained. However, anyone constructing a home requiring a culvert to provide driveway access over a ditch is required to be installed by the lot owner.
A discussion then ensued concerning an increase in the assessment authority of the District. The maximum assessment authority which currently exists is $20.00 per acre. The supervisors agreed that the limit should be raised to a maximum of $40 per acre, and that steps should be taken to assure the increase is properly approved, and that any action taken not jeopardize the collection of the District’s non-ad valorem assessments by the Charlotte County Tax Collector. In these regards, the supervisors advised the attorney to schedule a meeting with the Charlotte Coutny Tax collector to confirm the process for raising the assessment limit.
The attorney then advised the term of the District will end on January 5, 2026. The supervisor felt a further extension of the life of the District was in order, and that steps should be initiated to confirm an extension of the life of the District.
The supervisors then considered the scheduling of the 2024 Annual Meeting. Provided the meeting room at the Charlotte County Public Works building is available, the supervisors determined that the Annual Meeting would be scheduled for Thursday, June 13, 2024 at 2:00pm.
There being no further business before the supervisors, the meetng was, on motion duly made, seconded and unaimously carried, adjourned.