The Workshop Meeting of the Supervisors of the Central Charlotte County Drainage District was held on Thursday, December 5, 2024. The meeting was held at the Charlotte County Public Works Building Conference Room, 7000 Florida Street, Punta Gorda, Florida 33950.

The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by Mr. Vincent Boccio, President of the District. A quorum of Supervisors were present as follows: Vincent Boccio and Carol Nevling (via telephone). Also present at the meeting were Judy Uhland, Secretary/Treasurer (via telephone), and Edward L. Wotitzky, Esq., attorney for the District. The following landowners from adjacent property were also present as follows: Bill Faris, David Kalin and Mark Sawaryn.

Due and proper notice of the meeting was established. Attached to these minutes is a copy of the Notice of Meeting and the Publisher’s Affidavit of Publication confirming the Notice of the Meeting was published in the Charlotte Sun on November 15 and November 22, 2024.

The Supervisors then briefly reviewed ongoing maintenance pursuant to the Lake Doctors contract. Mr. Boccio noted the contract had been renewed, and was extended through April of 2025, with automatic renewals.

Judy Uhland briefly reviewed the financial condition of the District. She noted that, as set forth on the current bank statement, the operating account of the District as of November 30, 2024 totaled $30,351.74. A copy of the bank statement and financial statements as prepared by Ms. Uhland are attached to these minutes. Ms. Uhland further noted that income from tax receipts is starting to come in and is being deposited in the District’s Bank of America account.

In her report, Ms. Uhland also referenced a new law which was adopted in 2024 requiring ethics training for all Officers to take place on an annual basis. Current Officers and Supervisors will have until the end of December, 2025 to complete the said training, which will consist of an on-line course. The cost of the course is set at $49.00 per person, and the said cost will be paid by the District.

Ms. Uhland then advised that to comply with a new state law, boards of Independent Districts are required to establish goals and objectives, and post such goals on the District’s website by December 1, 2025. Attached to these minutes is recap and examples of goals and objectives prepared by Ms. Uhland.

The Supervisors then heard from Mr. Faris, Mr. Kalin and Mr. Sawaryn concerning their request that the Charlotte Ranchettes MSBU properties be reincorporated in the Central Charlotte County Drainage District. Mr. Faris confirmed the reason for the request is to enhance drainage of not only properties in the Charlottes Ranchettes MSBU areas, but also the District. The individuals indicated that including the additional lands would allow the District to better control water and drainage coming in and out of the District, and would provide a greater source of revenue to accomplish drainage projects.

Mr. Kalin noted that another advantage of being included in the District is that the District, through various provisions of Chapter 298 of the Florida Statutes, has enhanced enforcement remedies for individuals disrupting drainage. He reiterated the issues and concerns that a number of property owners are blocking drainage in certain areas.

Mr. Kalin also noted that the administrative costs of the District would not be increased by a significant amount, and more funds would be available for maintenance projects. The addition of the MSBU lands would incorporate approximately 2,200 acres to the District.

The attorney for the District pointed out that the responsibilities of the District are solely related to drainage, and not overall maintenance of roads. A brief discussion then ensued concerning the history of the District. Mr. Kalin and Mr. Faris then noted that the addition of the additional lands would also provide resources in that a number of individuals would be willing to provide work and aid to the District.

As a result of these discussions, and because an additional review will need to be undertaken concerning the budget for fiscal commencing October 1, 2025, the Supervisors determined that an additional workshop meeting should be held. Thereupon, the Supervisors scheduled a supplemental workshop meeting for February 6, 2025. The annual meeting was also scheduled for June 12, 2025.

There being no further business before the Supervisors, the meeting was, on Motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, adjourned.


Vincent Boccio, President

Respectfully submitted,

Judy Uhland, Secretary